I hope that you will find this story interesting .. it was certainly a first for me !!
For those of you that know our range of products, one of the most popular is the “ Luck stone “ or “Cloch Cosatnta “. Legend has it that if you find a stone with a hole in it – it will keep you safe and bring you luck.
In Ireland “Holed” stones – whether large or small are of significant importance .
Within my folklore library there are lots of mentions of special stones with holes in them – but I have never got to see one as they are often well hidden, inaccessible or simply lost. The ancient Celts believed that a stone with a natural hole brought good luck and protection from evil so it was worn during battle or while out hunting. View your enemy through the hole and all ill will intended for you will vanish.
However, my travels have brought me to County Carlow, in fact I’m on my way to visit the town of Tullow, … but about two miles outside the town I spotted a signpost for Cloch an Phoill … a large holed stone that lies just beside the main road so I have screeched to a halt … let’s take a look !!
Having safely pulled in at the edge of the road lets jump out of the car to take a look see. We are standing in the townland of Aghade which is an area of rich farmland and gentle hills. As the ancient stone that we are going to visit is a National Monument , we are allowed access via a little kissing gate and can walk the few yards along a gravelled path at the side of a field.
So, here is the large granite slab, it is lying on its side at an odd angle . The Cloch an Phoill is a huge pillar stone with a circular hole pierced through. It is believed the stone was used as a seal or blocking stone for a megalithic tomb that dates from the bronze age some four thousand years ago and it is thought that the hole was used to pass food through to the dead after the tomb had been closed.
No other remains of the tomb can be seen so it’s not certain if the complete tomb stood at this location or the stone had been moved here. In fact, there is historical mention of the existence of another standing stone nearby – but no evidence of this exists nowadays.
The hole itself is around 30 cms ( about a foot ) in diameter . It has been an important feature for hundreds of years and as late as the eighteenth century sick children were passed through the hole as a cure for various illness and as a protection from evil .
According to legend the stone is also associated with Niall of the Nine Hostages . Niall of the Nine Hostages was a legendary, semi-historical Irish king who was the ancestor of the Ui Neill dynasties that dominated Ireland from the 6th to the 10th centuries. There is a story that says Niall tied up his old enemy, Eochu by running a chain through the hole, however, Eochu managed to break free and sought revenge, eventually killing Niall !
We can creep under the stone an take a peep upwards – I have to say there is something magical about seeing the blue sky and clouds through the stone. From the top side we can put our hand and arm through the hole .. let’s hope it brings a bit of luck our way today.
I hope that your enjoyed seeing this unique stone and hope it will keep you safe and bring you luck too ! You can take a look at our Connemara Marble Luck stone necklace available now over at www.connemaramarble.com or indeed our luck stone which will fit perfectly in your pocket !
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